
公共安全停电,或者 psp上, is when a company like hg8868皇冠下载 proactively turns off power to an area where wildfire risk is high due to extreme weather conditions. The outage is an effort to keep our customers, communities, employees, and equipment safe. Customers outside impacted psp上 areas may also experience outages due to high winds and increased protection settings on our lines that help prevent wildfire ignitions when a fault is detected. 无论哪种情况, outages may last longer than normal since we’ll need to inspect the lines to make sure we can re-energize them safely.

A psp上 is a last resort to prevent wildfires. Our goal is to minimize the risk of fire while balancing the impact outages have on our customers and communities.

During an event, we will update impacted customers by a phone call, text, or email.

  • Active psp上 areas will be displayed in orange on the map below, where you can also search for a specific address to see if it falls inside an active area. “Active” means we are asking customers to prepare for a possible psp上, 不一定是断电了.
  • Inactive areas on the map — displayed in purple when you zoom or search for an address — are not involved in an active event but are areas where hg8868皇冠下载 has determined that psp上 events are more likely due to increased fire risk. However, all customers should be prepared.

了解更多 关于如何为中断做准备.

Orange icon indicating an active psp上 zone in the map = Active (customers should prepare for an outage, but power may not yet be out)
Purple icon indicating an inactive psp上 area on the map =不活跃